艺术品展示 / 油画
《人类的进步》(Men of Progress)


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Men of Progress
画 家:
克里斯蒂安·舒塞尔(Christian Schussele)
1862 年
128.3 x 190.5 x 5.1 cm
史密森尼国家肖像画廊(Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery)

In 1857, the inventor of a coal-burning stove, Jordan Mott, commissioned Christian Schussele to paint a group portrait of eighteen American scientists and inventors who "had altered the course of contemporary civilization." As with Schussele's celebration of American letters, Washington Irving . . . at Sunnyside, the group portrait did not mark an actual occasion but was designed to honor the achievements of American industry. The artist sketched study portraits of each of his subjects before putting them all into his final, formal composition. Men of Progress is a remarkable document of the growth of the American economy by the 1850s as it celebrates the inventions and processes of manufacturing pioneered by men such as Cyrus McCormick, Charles Goodyear, Samuel Colt, Samuel Morse, Elias Howe, and fourteen others.



    William Thomas Green Morton, 9 Aug 1819 - 15 Jul 1868
    James Bogardus, 14 Mar 1800 - 13 Apr 1874
    Samuel Colt, 19 Jul 1814 - 10 Jan 1862
    Cyrus Hall McCormick, 15 Feb 1809 - 13 May 1884
    Joseph Saxton, 22 Mar 1799 - 26 Oct 1873
    Charles Goodyear, 29 Dec 1800 - 1 Jul 1860
    Peter Cooper, 12 Feb 1791 - 4 Apr 1883
    Jordan Lawrence Mott, 12 Oct 1799 - 1866
    Joseph Henry, 17 Dec 1797 - 13 May 1878
    Eliphalet Nott, 25 Jun 1773 - 29 Jan 1866
    John Ericsson, 31 Jul 1803 - 8 Mar 1889
    Frederick Ellsworth Sickels, 20 Sep 1819 - 8 Mar 1895
    Samuel Finley Breese Morse, 27 Apr 1791 - 2 Apr 1872
    Henry Burden, 22 Apr 1791 - 19 Jan 1871
    Richard March Hoe, 19 Jul 1815 - 13 Sep 1884
    Erastus Brigham Bigelow, 2 Apr 1814 - 6 Dec 1879
    Isaiah Jennings, 1792 - 1862
    Thomas Blanchard, 24 Jun 1788 - 16 Apr 1864
    Elias Howe, 9 Jul 1819 - 3 Oct 1867




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