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Self-Portrait |
自画像 |
画 家:
文森特·梵高(Vincent van Gogh) |
March-June 1887 年 |
oil on cardboard |
41 cm x 33 cm |
梵高博物馆(Van Gogh Museum) |
Around the world, people recognise this man with a red beard and an earnest look in his eyes. Vincent van Gogh painted about 35 self-portraits in total, most of them in Paris. For him, this was a way of practising
portrait painting. His intention was not to portray himself as realistically as possible. He used the Neo-Impressionist style here, with short, rough brushstrokes. These alternate with longer strokes, such as the
orange in his beard.
The background was originally purple (a mix of red and blue), but the red pigment has discoloured and has become almost completely transparent.
Vincent van Gogh painted a total of some 35 self-portraits during the course of his career. About 29 of these, date from Paris. Van Gogh very much wanted to paint portraits in this period, but could not afford models. Using his own reflection was a natural, inexpensive and easy solution. It allowed him to experiment with various styles, techniques and effects of light and color.