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Theodore Roosevelt |
西奥多·罗斯福 |
画 家:
阿德里安·阿道夫·格林伯格(Adrian Adolph Greenburg) |
1967 copy after 1908 original by Philip Alexius de László |
布面油画 |
101.6 x 132.7 x 3.8 cm |
史密森尼国家肖像画廊(Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery) |
No one ever craved the presidency more than Theodore Roosevelt or used its powers more joyously. In early 1901, however, his rise toward that office was suddenly checked. Having gained national prominence as a civil
service reformer, Spanish-American War hero, and reform-minded governor of New York, he was now relegated to being William McKinley's vice president. But McKinley's assassination several months later changed everything,
and Roosevelt was soon rushing headlong into one of American history's most productive presidencies. By the time he left office in 1909, his accomplishments ranged from implementing landmark efforts to conserve
the nation's disappearing natural heritage, to instituting some of the first significant curbs on the excesses of big business, to building the Panama Canal.
When Hungarian-born English artist Philip de
Lászlo painted the original version of this portrait, he encouraged Roosevelt to have visitors chat with him during the sittings, apparently thinking that it made for a more animated likeness.