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Poppies |
罂粟花 |
画 家:
亨利·方丹-拉图尔(Henri Fantin-Latour) |
1891 年 |
布面油画 |
53.2 x 60 cm |
南澳美术馆(Art Gallery of South Australia - AGSA) |
This is an exquisite example of Henri Fantin-Latour’s popular flowerpieces. By means of the thinnest, most economical, paint layer, the artist succeeded in capturing the texture and fragility of a bunch of white field poppies. Significantly, the whiteness of the petals has been augmented with touches of pale yellow and blue-grey pigment. The genre of flower painting was lucrative and one that the artist returned to frequently throughout his career. The flowers were usually arranged in a vase or bowl and placed on a piece of furniture adjacent to a dark wall, thereby enclosing a shallow interior space.
A friend of Eugène Delacroix and Édouard Manet, Fantin-Latour studied at the École des Beaux Arts and exhibited in the infamous Salon des Refusés of 1863. He also painted a number of group portraits, including Homage to Delacroix, 1864 (Musée d’Orsay), featuring, among others, the poet and critic Charles Baudelaire and artists James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Félix Bracquemond and Manet; and A Studio in Les Batignolles, 1870 (Musée d’Orsay), in which Manet is surrounded in his atelier by fellow artists, who include Frédéric Bazille, Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet, as well as the novelist and critic Émile Zola.
亨利·方丹·拉图尔(Henri Fantin-Latour)生于1836年1月14号,卒于1904年8月25日。拉图尔是法国的画家和石板画家,他的花卉画和静物画尤为出名。
亨利·方丹·拉图尔1836年出生在法国格勒诺布尔市(Grenoble)。拉图尔的父亲是一位艺术家,少年时代的拉图尔受到父亲的影响和熏陶。1850年,拉图尔进入图案学院(Ecole de Dessin)学习,与布瓦博得朗(Lecoq de Boisbaudran)是同学。在巴黎美术学院(the École des Beaux-Arts)进修一年之后,也就是从1854年开始拉图尔的主要工作就是在卢浮宫(the Musée du Louvre)临摹大师们的作品。
虽然,亨利·方丹·拉图尔结识了一些包括惠斯勒(Whistler)和马奈(manet)等印象派画家,但拉图尔的作品风格还是较为保守的。1875年,亨利·方丹·拉图尔与维多利亚(Victoria Dubourg)结婚。之后,拉图尔的夏天几乎全部是在妻子的家乡度过的。1904年,亨利·方丹·拉图尔因莱姆(lyme disease)病逝世。拉图尔的墓在法国巴黎蒙帕纳斯公墓(the Cimetière du Montparnasse)。
亨利·方丹·拉图尔也非常擅长人物画,他的代表作《巴迪侬画室》(a studio in the batignolles)出色的刻画了人物形象,将古典学院派严谨的写实手法与印象派的综合技法相结合。而拉图尔的静物画主要追求的是朴实写实,例如他的《玻璃瓶中的黄粉玫瑰》(yellow pink roses in a glass vase)等作品。