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Nighthawks |
夜游者 |
画 家:
爱德华·霍普(Edward Hopper) |
1942 年 |
布面油画 |
84.1 × 152.4 cm |
芝加哥艺术博物馆 |
Edward Hopper said that <em>Nighthawks</em> was inspired by “a restaurant on New York’s Greenwich Avenue where two streets meet,” but the image—with its carefully constructed composition and lack of narrative—has a timeless, universal quality that transcends its particular locale. One of the best-known images of twentieth-century art, the painting depicts an all-night diner in which three customers, all lost in their own thoughts, have congregated. Hopper’s understanding of the expressive possibilities of light playing on simplified shapes gives the painting its beauty. Fluorescent lights had just come into use in the early 1940s, and the all-night diner emits an eerie glow, like a beacon on the dark street corner. Hopper eliminated any reference to an entrance, and the viewer, drawn to the light, is shut out from the scene by a seamless wedge of glass. The four anonymous and uncommunicative night owls seem as separate and remote from the viewer as they are from one another. (The red-haired woman was actually modeled by the artist’s wife, Jo.) Hopper denied that he purposefully infused this or any other of his paintings with symbols of human isolation and urban emptiness, but he acknowledged that in <em>Nighthawks</em> “unconsciously, probably, I was painting the loneliness of a large city.”
在很多方面,《夜游者》是霍普有如黑色电影般风格的代表作。这些作品中,他以窥视的视角,描绘在光与影之间戏剧性的互动之下情感孤立的个体。艺术家把这些元素放入平淡无奇、无可辨认的城市空间中:路边餐厅、加油站、旅馆。作家阿兰·德·波顿(Alain de Botton)曾这样评价霍普的作品:“他开创了一个全新的艺术流派,将人物和题材置入一种临界空间:这些家与办公室之外的建筑、这些“过渡”的地点让我们感受到一种独特而疏离的诗意。”