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Fausto e Margarida |
浮士德与玛格丽特 |
画 家:
佩德罗·阿梅里科(Pedro Américo) |
1875 - 1900 年 |
Oil on canvas glued on wood |
34 x 23 cm |
圣保罗州立美术馆(Pinacoteca de São Paulo) |
The legend of the German Doctor Faust, originally spread through oral tradition, was published for the first time in the form of booklet in 1587. In 1806, one of the most important German writers, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), published the play Faust, a tragedy, inspired by the 16th century legend.it is nearly certain that Pedro Américo, na erudite, well-read artist, was inspired by Goethe’s narrative. The play was also an important source of inspiration for many other writers, painters and musicians, such as Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935), Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863) and Franz Liszt (1811-1886).
In Goethe’s work, Doctor Faust is an old scholar, bored and disappointed with the world, who invokes the devil Mephistopheles in search of magical powers and transcendent knowledge. The devil offers his services to Faust, guaranteeing him youth, as long as the doctor gives him his soul is Exchange, after some years. Faust accepts the proposal, signing the devil’s contract in his own blood. Among many adventures, Faust falls in love with a Young Gretchen, whom he seduces with jewels materialized by the devil. For this depiction of the theme, Americo chooses the moment that Gretchen is seduced by Faust. The figure of Mephistopheles, wearing clothes made of dark damask and somewhat obscured, observes the scene from behind a curtain at the right. Faust is supporting his left hand on the hilt of a sword and preparing to kiss the young woman, already wearing the diabolic jewels. Gretchen holds her hands together in prayer, having dropped two White lilies, classical symbols of the chastity and virtue she is about to lose.