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《1776 年 7 月 4 日,〈独立宣言〉》【The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776】


《1776 年 7 月 4 日,〈独立宣言〉》
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The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

1776 年 7 月 4 日,《独立宣言》
画 家:
约翰·特朗布尔(John Trumbull)
1786–1820 年
53 × 78.7 cm
耶鲁大学美术馆(Yale University Art Gallery)

       Greatly impressed with John Trumbull’s plans to execute a series of American history paintings, Thomas Jefferson invited the artist to stay with him in Paris. There, Trumbull wrote, "I began the composition of the Declaration of Independence, with the assistance of [Jefferson's] information and advice." Trumbull represents the moment when the committee appointed to draw up the document submitted Jefferson’s draft for the consideration of the Continental Congress. Conscious of creating an image for succeeding generations, Trumbull made the whole committee—John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin—present the document to John Hancock, rather than Jefferson alone, which would have been historically accurate.
       He consulted Adams and Jefferson about who should actually be in the scene. They urged that all the delegates be included, even those who were not present or those who had opposed the Declaration and did not sign. The goal was to preserve the exact likenesses of those extraordinary individuals—aristocrats, lawyers, doctors, farmers, shopkeepers—who had put their lives and fortunes on the line. Trumbull worked on the Declaration for more than three decades, hoping to include all fifty-six figures, but he was unable to obtain all the likenesses. Of the forty-eight portraits here, thirty-six were taken from life; others were copied from an existing portrait or taken of a son as a substitute.







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@百度百科:《独立宣言》(The Declaration of Independence),是北美洲十三个英属殖民地宣告自大不列颠王国独立,并宣明此举正当性之文告。
  1776年7月4日,本宣言由第二届大陆会议(Second Continental Congress)于费城批准,这一天后成为美国独立纪念日。宣言之原件由大陆会议出席代表共同签署,并永久展示于美国华盛顿特区之国家档案与文件署当中。此独立宣言为美国最重要的立国文书之一。7月4日是决议采用宣言的日期,之后进行了印刷,议会代表们大多采用1776年8月2日签署本宣言。