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Angels with Attributes of the Passion, the Superscription from the Cross |
具有受难特征的天使,十字架上的铭文 |
画 家:
西蒙·武埃(Simon Vouet) |
1627 年 |
布面油画 |
104.3 x 78.58 cm |
明尼阿波利斯艺术博物馆(Minneapolis Institute of Art) |
This angel holds a tablet inscribed “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin was placed on the cross, above Jesus. The painting belongs to a series of twelve angels carrying symbols of Christ’s Passion—the events associated with Jesus Christ’s suffering and death--which were painted for a private patron in Rome, Ascanio Filomarino, later appointed a cardinal of the Church and archbishop of Naples.
Simon Vouet was one of the most important painters of his generation in France, ultimately serving as First Painter to King Louis XIII. From 1612 to 1627, he worked in Rome. These angels was among the last works he painted there, completed just months before his return to France. In Paris, he helped introduce French artists to the Baroque style: high drama, rich color, intense light, and dark shadows. /// We are grateful to Sebastian Schütze for clarifying the provenance of this painting.