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Renganeschi’s Saturday Night |
伦加内斯基的星期六夜晚 |
画 家:
约翰·斯隆(John Sloan) |
1912 年 |
布面油画 |
66.7 × 81.3 cm |
芝加哥艺术博物馆(The Art Institute of Chicago) |
John Sloan often explored the leisure activities of working-class women and the changing social mores of the 20th century. Here he focused on three women who sit together at the central table of a popular Italian restaurant in New York City. By showing the women celebrating a night out on the town, the artist emphasized their newfound freedom to socialize in public spaces without the need for male escorts. Although he indicated their working-class status through their “unladylike” gestures—legs wrapped around their chairs and pinkies flared in the air—Sloan did not cast judgment on the women’s relaxed behavior. His informal style and loose brushwork enliven this scene of urban leisure with a sense of immediacy and action.
《伦加内斯基的星期六夜晚(Renganeschi’s Saturday Night)》描绘了工人阶级女性的周末休闲时刻。画作中央的三位女性精心打扮,相约在纽约一家颇受欢迎的意大利餐厅。
这三位女士戴着精致的而装饰性强的帽子,穿着低跟的靴子,她们的身份是通过轻松自然的姿态揭示的 —— 脚绕过椅子腿,执勺的手上小拇指翘起,随意的动作代表了她们工人阶级的出身。但斯隆并没有对她们的姿势进行批判,而是通过轻松的笔触传达了这个城市休闲活泼的景象。