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The courtyard and the fountain |
庭院和喷泉 |
画 家:
卡齐梅尔兹·斯塔布罗夫斯基(Kazimierz Stabrowski) |
1924 年 |
Pastel, paper on cardboard |
50 cm x 67 cm |
立陶宛艺术基金(Lithuanian Art Fund) |
A fountain in a park lies in the foreground. It possesses intricate anthropomorphic forms and, in some areas, it mimics a silhouette of the tree that grows further behind it, including its colours. This way, it is granted the characteristics of living nature. One can even see a motif of a face located in the decor of the composition. The top of the fountain is lit up by a colourful spectrum of sunlight. Above it, the viewer can see water being spurted out from the fountain. In Latin, the word fountain denotes a spring. Considering Stabrowski’s inclination to symbolism, it can be interpreted as the spring of insight, source of godly knowledge. There is also a basin around the fountain, inhabited by exotic fish and beautiful plants. A manor and a fragment of the park lie in the background. The composition is decorative yet depicts images realistically. The set-up of colours and lighting convey a sunny summer’s day mood.